Saturday, July 16, 2016

My family

So you wake up to get dressed to go get that check, cause today you killed another black man am i correct? He did nothing to offend or scare you jus fit the description of someone other than those that look like you and then you go hide behind the blue cause you're  a coward and they are too. Walking down the street, running to the bathroom, forgot to signal my land change all thats offensive to you? But yo son can go into elementary schools and kill 5 year olds and his only freedom was he killed himself too oh but wait that was a hoax too, created by the government that pays you! Yo lil cousin ran to the movies and shot them up too and what does he get an insane suit what about ya lil nephew that killed my grandma, aunts, uncles and cousins too while they prayed for a better nation,  he shot them up and got a whooper and pat on the back with no hesitation. But you killed my brother in front of my niece and her mother for doing what you told him while gettin his wallet you saw fear and pounced on it. My little brother you shot cause he had a toy gun, and you had no remorse to come out yo mouth you didn't even shed a tear and we cried in fear that he was only 12 and just being a kid still you didn't care. Or my uncle Eric who screamed he can't breathe still you suffocated and killed him with ease just so you can fill yo quota and go on with ease i guess yall motto really is kill a nigga be a hero huh? The home of the free and land of the brave only applies to those who werent slaves? Its hard to believe we're back in the 50's with our thoughts, actions and policies. But when you're bred in ignorance it soon shows its light to a country that loves to fight. Sure my people have a long way to go cause every other day theres a fight video, but you see when yall prosecute us for doin wrong, we get no protection, we get no leniency in the justice system cause it was designed to hurt and hender me but tell me something tho, altho the constitution and amendments were written when i was property afterwards the emancipation proclamation made me free and human i was told the constitution would protect me but i see now that i have been deceived yet again by massa and his friends. All because they want us to be slaves to them again but here i stand to let you know that shit is not gon flow i will not be silent, i will not be sleep, i woke up a long time ago, you see im changing the world one mind at a time and one day you will see all the evil you done to me. Go back to Africa you like to yell but baby look here if we leave yall would be in hell. Yall steal our swag, looks and style and fuck em all up trynna be all hard. But i bet you didnt know one thing about me tho, this is my land that you stole from my grandfather before yall stole the negroes! Now does that have your attention, you were never really welcomed here and you tried to scare us with tactics and fear but listen sir before you came here half your kind was illiterate and insane, we taught you to read, write, eat healthy and even bathe but you want us to leave o okay, give us back everything we have made. We built this country hand by hand brick by brick black woman and man after you stole and killed my other kin, so sir when you tell me to leave I wont go cause you see this is MY home. If you didn't want the truth shouldnt be believing and telling a lie to make you look smart and make me wanna punch you in the eye. So lets bear the moment of truth and let the world know, that its really your kind that has got to go. Now it will come up as to what kind that is and well I'll tell you. The ones that spew hate, discriminate, and make this country unsafe,  the ones that want the coon to be president those the ones need to board the ship. Those who want peace, equality and love those the ones that come from above. So now that history 101 is done do you still feel the need to have to reach for that gun every time you see someone that doesnt look like you? Now im not saying dont protect yourself but sir give my family a chance most times we wanna go home and do a lil dance. Its not hard sir just common sense most of the ones you killed were innocent. I ask you today to please stop and pray before you gon on your shooting rampage. Jus one more question before you leave why'd you have to kill my 7 year old sister in her sleep?

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