Wednesday, August 21, 2013

This Generation

I am sick i am disgusted the world we live in can never be trusted. We live in fear if one another when we are supposed to love our brother but yet we all hate and fight each other. Where did we go wrong where did it escape why in the world is there so much hate! I try to piece the puzzle together but the got lost in this stormy weather i look to the Heavens above and know there is love and one day eventually Jesus we will see.
I wrote this poem because somethings gotta give. I mean it make absolutely no sense to me as to why women feel its ok to degrade one another. Why is it ok for little girls to wear booty shorts? Why do girls have to walk around damn near naked to get attention? Are you all that damn dumb you can't get an education for yourself you think being naked and dancing and bein loud and ghetto wit 80 shades of weave is the life to live in order to get a man? Who put those thoughts in your head that its ok to sleep with every guy you meet? Huh please speak up! Who said its ok to disrespect your parents and grandparents and elders that you meet? What book is out there that says being a hoe is cool having children out of wedlock was acceptable or living off the government for the rest of your life is the way to go? Yall are awfully quiet out there. Which fool says its ok to post naked photos of yourself and your dirty ass room who says its cool to be dirty? I mean i seen girls who eat their own tampons that is disgusting! Who said the girl with the biggest butt is the freak or the shy one is ugly or the one who achieves and aims for the sky is stuck up WHO SAID IT PLEASE SOMEBODY TELL ME! Well I'm here to say all that is BULLSHIT! Women are supposed to be seen not heard they are supposed to walk with their heads held high and not low you were created in 'HIS' image not the image of man. You were taken from the rib of a man to stand by his side not in front, behind or beneath him. Women are God's gift to man and when ever you give a gift don't you have to unwrap it first? Well how you gon be a gift thats supposed to be wrapped meaning you are covered up when you walk around naked all the time or you take nude pics. Its sickening its degrading and its not pleasing to God. Many children today wonder why they have so much turmoil in their lives its because you are living by satans rule and not Gods rules. The bible says is Ephesians 6 honor they mother and father that thou days on this earth shall be long and yet kids are dying left and right why because the honor has left the house hold and disrespect has moved in. Its time for that to go. I dont care how you try to put it that's the word of God and honoring and obeying him will get you farther in life then you could ever imagine but the moment we start living for the world and satan then we bring hell into our lives. If we stop letting society raise us and tell us how to live and wats acceptable to man an imperfect human and start living for GOD the creator of life we will become better Soldiers for God and our lives will become better I guarantee it!
I am 23 and i know what im talking about no man can tell me anything that My God hasnt already told me. I have three little sisters who look up to me and you can bet that neither ine is going to grow up to be trashy cause they didnt see their big sis doing it and they will never see her doing it thats a promise. Get back to God he wants a real relationship with you no matter your age race disability social stature nothing your his child he wants you you Neex him so YOU SEEK HIM. I promise your life will be much better if u hold on to his word and unchanging hand.
Be blessed!

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